Clothing Website
T.J. Maxx Review: Is T.J. Maxx the best retail store in the land?

T.J. Maxx Review
Consider Company X. Its annual sales—now $27.4 billion, or more than those of Estée Lauder, Hilton Worldwide, and Hershey combined—have risen 50% over the past six years. Its profits have almost tripled, to $2.1 billion. Its shareholders have been the beneficiaries of 18 consecutive years of earnings-per-share growth. In its nearly-four-decade history, it has had only one year of negative same-store sales. And it does all this by selling blouses…pots and pans…and bedding, sunglasses, sriracha seasoning, yoga mats, and the occasional $1,250 Stella McCartney dress.
Company X—make that TJX—may well be the biggest enigma in an industry so fragile and capricious that Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz once likened it to the “human condition.” The business of retail is hard stuff. Chains soar when they manage to sell into the zeitgeist (“Tar-zhay,” anyone?) and collapse when the stars of public taste realign (Abercrombie). In the off-price realm that the TJX (TJX) Companies dominates, it is, if anything, harder. The past six years have seen the demise of Filene’s Basement, Daffy’s, and Loehmann’s, which has reemerged as an online-only store. The number of customer purchases at TJX, by contrast, has risen in each of the last six years; over that time, TJX shares have climbed over 200%.
“It’s the most consistent, most powerful apparel retailer in the United States,” says Howard Davidowitz, who has run his own retail consulting and investment banking firm for 33 years. “It’s a bold statement, but it’s true.” Ron Hess, a professor of marketing at William & Mary’s Mason School of Business, puts it this way: “They are stunningly good.”
But there is one other salient fact about the Framingham, Mass., retailer that adds to the enigma: It will do almost anything to prevent anybody else from knowing how it has managed all of the above. TJX is Company X: a black box—arguably one of the most secretive retailers around.
CEO Carol Meyrowitz, 60, rarely gives interviews. (In keeping with the tradition, TJX declined to make her or any of the company’s executives available for this story.) And Meyrowitz has been known to tell analysts “nice try,” or offer other quick rebuffs, when they ask probing questions on earnings calls. “My sense of Carol is that telling you less is better than telling you more,” says David Poppe, president of Ruane Cunniff & Goldfarb, a major TJX shareholder. In the end, the most we got from Meyrowitz with regard to this story was an emailed quote, which began: “Our value proposition has resonated with consumers for 37 years, across different geographies, retail climates, and in both strong and weak economies.”
TJX doesn’t talk about its playbook in part because other retailers are eager to peek inside. Hudson’s Bay Co., which owns venerable Saks Fifth Avenue and its Off 5th outlet stores, has acknowledged that it has studied TJX’s T.J. Maxx chain. And at least one other well-known department store company is rapidly chasing the off-price leader, in style if not yet in numbers: Nordstrom’s (JWN) value-focused Nordstrom Rack stores now have more outlets (151) than its full-line division. TJX, by comparison, has more than 3,200 stores in the U.S., Canada, and Europe, divided among its T.J. Maxx, Marshalls, HomeGoods, and other chains.
The increased competition may have thrown TJX off its game in the most recent quarter (reported in May) when it missed its own earnings estimates for the first time in five years. The gap was small—just a penny off earnings per share—but notable for a company that tends to under-promise and over-deliver on its projections. The stock subsequently had its biggest single-day drop since December 2008. (Executives attributed the miss to factors including unfavorable foreign currency exchange rates and weak apparel sales.)
We’ll know on Aug. 19, when the company reports its next quarterly earnings, whether this was a blip or something larger. But whatever the outcome, TJX’s long history of out- performance has something to teach—and the lessons may go far beyond retail. On the surface, what TJX does is straight- forward: Its various chains sell mostly name-brand goods at a discount to traditional retail prices. How it continuously makes money doing this when so many others have failed is another tale—and that’s the mystery we set out to uncover. Fortune spent four months talking to 50 former TJX employees and other retail insiders—including analysts, consultants, suppliers, and competitors—to re-create the company’s secret playbook. Here’s what we found.
The off-price business is a volume game: selling a ton of goods and selling them fast. The measure of speed here is how quickly a company turns over its inventory: TJX does that every 55 days, vs. 85 for its peer group, according to Morningstar. Indeed, the company is structured to whisk items through its distribution centers and stores—and a lot of items they are: TJX shipped some 2 billion units to its stores in its 2014 fiscal year (which ended on Feb. 1), up from 1.6 billion in fiscal 2010.
Former employees say that the stuff moves so rapidly that merchandise is often sold before TJX has paid its vendors for it. The busiest stores can take daily delivery of product, which employees put out on the floor right away—a “door to floor” approach that cuts down on the amount of space needed for backroom storage. Sources say items typically go on markdown if the turn rate is slower than about seven weeks, which also contributes to the rapid flow. But don’t expect to see a storewide promotion. That would erode customers’ belief that they’re getting the lowest price possible from the outset—a fundamental driver for the company.
The quick turns throw off a lot of cash but also keep the merchandise fresh. “People love new much more than they love the stuff they saw last time now discounted,” says Paul Sweetenham, who previously ran TJX’s European business. Another former executive said that the most dedicated shoppers know when the store is taking delivery and plan their visits accordingly. By design, the product assortment is broad—cocktail dresses alongside wetsuits—but not deep. (If Jimmy Choo heels are on display, you’re lucky if there’s one pair in your size.) This trains customers to buy it when they see it or it’ll be gone—what retail brand consultant Bill D’Arienzo calls the “buy now or cry later” mentality. “Fast fashion” retailers such as H&M and Zara do something similar, creating demand by controlling and limiting supply, he says. And that’s a key point. Much of TJX’s appeal is selling what’s hot now, not last season’s leftovers.
Hardly anyone goes to a Marshalls or T.J. Maxx to find something specific. That’s not the point. Someone seeking a Tory Burch boatneck tunic ought to go to a department store. At an off-price chain, the lure is the serendipitous discovery. “In academic terms, it’s hedonic shopping motivation,” says William & Mary professor Hess. “You’re shopping for adventure and exploration.” In the industry, the experience is simply called the “treasure hunt.”
TJX makes a point of hiding gems for the well-heeled as well as the middle class. Customers peruse TJX’s stores not because they fall into a certain income strata but because they like to shop the same way. Take Prince Harry and his sister-in-law, the Duchess of Cambridge, for example, who have been known to shop at T.K. Maxx, one of the company’s European chains. Robin Lewis, CEO of retail strategy newsletter The Robin Report, calls the model “demographically democratic.” The investment bank Cowen & Co. conducted a survey of 2,137 shoppers; of the women who make over $100,000 a year, 28% of them said they shop at TJX stores.
The focus is on “value,” not on “cheap.” A $3.99 T-shirt at Wal-Mart (WMT) is cheap. A $499.99 price tag for a $1,250 Stella McCartney dress, many would say, is value. And it’s a formula that works well in the coveted 18- to 34-year-old crowd, an age group of shoppers that have been increasingly flocking to TJX.
(Full disclosure: This reporter, who happens to be in that growing demographic, found herself particularly susceptible to TJX’s dark arts. Over the course of reporting this story, she purchased, in the following order: a baby outfit, a slotted spoon, pimiento picante spice, a pair of jeans, running sneakers and socks, two shirts, a dress, roasted edamame, potato chips, kitchen tongs, a dresser, headphones, an iPhone case, an umbrella, and wrapping paper. Total bill: $800.)
TJX’s buyers make the model tick. “If you can buy it right, you can sell it cheap,” Davidowitz explains. “The money is in the buy. They know that better than anyone.” The company’s buying organization is considered one of the best in the business, and on Meyrowitz’s watch it has grown from a force of 450 to more than 900. In order to develop an expertise in a specific category of goods, TJX’s buyers focus much more narrowly than their department store counterparts; rather than be responsible for accessories, a TJX buyer might specialize in just handbags.
The off-price buying strategy differs so sharply from traditional retail that TJX spends a good deal of effort training its workforce. The company is one of the few retailers that still runs a robust training program, dubbed TJX University, where up-and-comers learn everything from handling themselves in the marketplace to the art of the deal. “It takes them years to perfect their craft,” says Avondale Partners analyst Mark Montagna. Adds a former executive, “It flies in the face of what you learn in Retail 101.” The training is rigorous because buyers are handed an enormous amount of autonomy. “Buyers are empowered to make decisions that most company directors would have to approve,” Sweetenham says. “It’s pretty hardcore because it has to be,” a former buyer told
Waiting longer often results in a better price but also gives the buyer more information about current fashion trends. The better the fashion, the lower the markdowns. “The department stores and specialty stores take the fashion risk,” explains Poppe of Ruane Cunniff & Goldfarb, “and TJX waits longer until they see what the reaction in the marketplace actually is.”
Most department stores set their pricing based on keystoning (essentially doubling the wholesale cost), but TJX buyers instead go into a negotiation knowing the price they need the product to sell for and work backward. If a buyer really loves a product, she might buy it for the likely selling price—expecting zero profit margin—just so she can have it on the floor.
Most shoppers think all of the goods at T.J. Maxx, Marshalls, and their sister chains are what the company calls “opportunistic buys”—overruns, closeouts, irregulars, etc. It’s a myth. For one thing, there simply isn’t enough of that kind of inventory to supply TJX, let alone the other off-pricers. (If there were, it wouldn’t reflect well on the business savvy of legions of suppliers.) Says Paul F. Rosengard, president and CEO of supplier Boston Traders, which sells outdoor lifestyle men’s apparel: “If, as a manufacturer, all of your shipments to the off-price channel were truly distressed goods, you’d be going out of business.”
TJX does get product from the opportunistic category. Department stores, for example, routinely return or cancel orders from manufacturers, and TJX finds deals there. But the company buys a surprising share of merchandise from its suppliers upfront, insiders say. Hard numbers are difficult to come by. “But if you saw the vendor’s revenue plan, TJX is included,” says D’Arienzo. Vendors, say experts, also produce excess inventory on purpose, hoping TJX will buy it. “It becomes a little bit of a blurry line between what’s off-price and what was built for TJX,” Poppe says. A former buyer explained it this way: “The vendor is fronting it.” One supplier told
In the past, the company has acknowledged that it also produces roughly 10% of its merchandise under hundreds of in-house labels—names like Frou Frou for pet products or Mercer & Madison for leather handbags. (TJX declined to provide an updated share.) Insiders say the ability to contract on the fly with manufacturers lets TJX offer customers at least some merchandise in a hot fashion trend (say, crop tops or slide sandals) when it can’t get enough brand-name supply. Notably, the private labels help in just the opposite circumstances as well: when brand names don’t matter a whit. Says Michael Tesler, a partner at consultancy Retail Concepts: “You don’t treasure hunt white sheets.”
Even when TJX is buying upfront, it can still secure a good price, thanks in part to its huge size. TJX’s suppliers likewise benefit from the same economies of scale. But an even more compelling reason to sell to TJX is that the company can help its vendors grow. “The magic sentence manufacturers wants to hear is, ‘We’ll take it all,’” a CEO of a rival retailer told.
“Marmaxx [the division that houses Marshalls and T.J. Maxx] can do that.” The company is big enough that it can spread the merchandise—both the diamonds and the roughs—throughout its thousands of retail outlets. That also means that brands that don’t want to advertise that they’re selling in off-price chains aren’t as visible. TJX, in fact, doesn’t advertise any of the brands that are in its stores. Meyrowitz told USA Today in 2011 in a rare interview: “We’re absolutely fine with every vendor saying they don’t do business with us. It’s a very important part of our relationship.”
That’s part of why brands that 10 years ago would never sell to TJX today want to get in.
That the company is Ralph Lauren’s biggest client. (Both Ralph Lauren and TJX declined to comment.) “Outside of true luxury brands, anyone who tells you TJX isn’t one of their top five customers is either lying or doesn’t have a successful business,” Rosengard says. Many vendors can actually make more money selling to TJX than to the department stores. That said, a brand that doesn’t sell in department stores is not as valuable to TJX buyers. If Macy’s (M) carries the label it helps validate the brands as well as the pricing.
One reason the supplier relationship with TJX is so strong is that it has gotten so bad with the department stores. “A lot of buyers beat up people in the market to try to get what they want, as if they’re making a one-time car buy and they’re never going to go back,” says a former TJX buyer. Department stores want concessions for advertising and markdown allowances. They want money for delayed deliveries and returns. D’Arienzo says he had a client pay $1 million in markdown money to a department store for a product that didn’t sell. “The contention between the two partners is really serious,” he says. Many describe it as adversarial.
By contrast, the buyer-supplier relationship with TJX has historically been more of a partnership. “They grew up needing to be the nice guy, needing people to sell to them,” Tesler says. TJX buyers are taught to make the vendor feel like it’s a win-win and to leave the door open if they can’t come to an agreement this time around. “They’ll make a deal with a vendor they know isn’t a great deal to maintain or establish a relationship with a brand they know is important,” Tesler explains. TJX also pays on time, which seems like a given, but suppliers can go out of business because they don’t always get paid.
, you know what you’re getting. “TJX is going to squeeze you for the best price upfront, but that’s it,” Rosengard says. “That’s the good and the bad.” Some suppliers said the biggest drawback to selling to TJX is that the company doesn’t share as much data on how their products are selling as the department stores do.
The emphasis on the buying culture goes back to Meyrowitz, who has retail in her blood. Her father was a wholesaler, her mother an artist. She was a salesclerk at Fortunoff while attending Rider University and started as an assistant buyer at Saks after graduating. In 1983 she landed at Hit or Miss, part of an earlier iteration of TJX (see sidebar), where sources say she became a protégé of T.J. Maxx founder Ben Cammarata. “He knew she had something special when it came to being a merchant,” says Steven Wishner, a former executive for the company. “She had it.” Cammarata is still the company’s chairman of the board. Meyrowitz became CEO in January 2007, not long after TJX suffered what at the time was reportedly the largest data breach in history. Today she’s the third-highest-paid woman CEO of a U.S. public company, according to Equilar.
People who have worked with Meyrowitz say she has an intuitive sense of the business because she’s been on the frontlines. “She’s one of the few executives that could do almost any merchant job in the company,” Sweetenham says. Meyrowitz has upgraded the stores, taking merchandise out and replenishing more frequently so they’re not as messy. She’s also raised the stores’ taste level, expanding T.J. Maxx’s Runway, which offers designer labels like Valentino and Armani, often from last season. TJX’s European business had been a particularly bright spot and is key to its overall growth. Here again, TJX seems to do things differently. U.S. retailers struggle in Europe, but TJX has prospered, by hiring European buyers to buy European product rather than attempting to force American brands on shoppers.
Meyrowitz is also finally addressing the one area where the company has clearly lagged: e-commerce. After acquiring Sierra Trading Post in 2012 to beef up its online sales operations, the company rolled out last year. The retail giant wants to have e-commerce sites for all of its businesses eventually, but it’s taking the time to figure out how to translate that treasure hunt feel online.
A hint of caution, maybe. But don’t take that to mean the company isn’t without grand ambitions. TJX executives have made it clear to analysts that, even without adding new retail chains and geographic markets to its roster, it has the potential to increase its store base by some 60%, to 5,150. (The company has not announced a time frame for this.) As for sales, even mighty Macy’s may one day seem like a piker compared with its off-price competitor. If both companies continue on their current growth trajectories, TJX will surpass Macy’s in annual sales in 2015. When that happens, it won’t be a secret.
Special Offer Products On T.J. Maxx
1.Upf 50 Road Map A-line Long Sleeve Cover-up Dress
Product Details
- Printed, upf 50 plus protection, fabric provides stretch
- Polyester/spandex
- Imported
- Machine wash
- Style #:1000700588
2.Large Jute Beach Tote With Tassel
Product Details
- Woven design, dual shoulder straps, shell accent, tassel charm, striped pattern
- 19in W x 15in H
- Open top
- Jute
- Imported
- Style #:1000715435
3.Made In Usa 14kt Gold Pearl Flower Hoop Earrings
Product Details
- 2.5mm-3mm freshwater pearl
- 14 karat gold
- Snap post closure
- Made in USA
- Style #:1000735425
4.Comfort Lace Up Sneakers
Product Details
- 1.5in. sole height
- Rounded toe
- Man made and textile upper, man made sole
- Lace up closure
- Imported
- Style #:1000735453
5.51mm Designer Sunglasses
Product Details
- Gradient lenses, logo temple detail, category 2 filter protection, case and cleaning cloth included, case may vary
- Modified cat eye frame style
- Imported, made in Italy
- Style #:1000737762
6.Fit 2 Slim Jeans
Product Details
- Logo accent
- Regular length, slim fit, 5 pocket style
- Sits at natural waist
- Zip fly with button closure
- Cotton/polyurethane
- Imported
- Machine wash
- Style #:1000727670
7.Reverse Weave Cutoff Circle Logo Shorts
Product Details
- Logo accent, frayed cuffs, ribbed waistband, reverse weave
- Classic fit
- 2 side pockets, 1 back pocket
- Sits at natural waist
- Drawstring waist
- Inseam: 11.5in, taken from size M
- Cotton/polyester
- Imported
- Machine wash
- Style #:1000719733
8.Unisex 71mm Designer Sunglasses
Product Details
- Adjustable nose pads, category 3 filter protection, case and pouch included, case may vary
- Oval frame style
- Imported, made in Italy
- Style #:1000731674
9.Core Fleece Logo Hoodie
Product Details
- Kangaroo pocket, graphic logo front, baby ribbed cuffs and hem, fleece lined, fabric provides stretch
- Long sleeve
- Drawstring hood
- Lightweight knit
- Polyester/cotton/elastane
- Imported
- Machine wash
- Style #:1000727255
10.Made In France 3.3oz Brit Eau De Toilette
Product Details
- Ginger, green mandarin and bergamot top notes
- Tonka bean, cedar, grey musk, oriental woodsy notes an patchouli base notes
- Size: 3.3 fl oz
- Imported, made in France
- Style #:1000731796
11.Big Boy 2pc Jersey Tee And Short Set
Product Details
- 2 piece set includes tee and shorts
- Tee: crew neck, brand logo front
- Shorts: elastic waist, side taping, brand logo detail, moisture wicking
- Cotton/polyester
- Imported
- Machine wash
- Style #:1000722309
12.Big Girls One Shoulder Flag Romper
Product Details
- Popover ruffle neckline, color block, 2 front pockets
- One shoulder sleeve
- Asymmetrical neck
- Pull on
- Cotton/polyester
- Imported
- Machine wash
- Style #:1000692910
13.Big Girls Roll Cuff Denim Shorts
Product Details
- Fabric provides stretch, roll cuffs, contrast stitching, distressed
- 5 pocket style
- Zip fly with button closure
- Cotton/polyester/rayon/spandex
- Imported
- Machine wash
- Style #:1000682227
14.Big Boy 2pk Tricot Fleece Joggers
Product Details
- 2 piece set includes 2 pairs of joggers
- Joggers: drawstring elastic waist, moisture wicking, fleece lined, 2 front pockets, 1 back pocket, ribbed cuffs,
- joggers: drawstring elastic waist, moisture wicking, fleece lined, 2 front pockets, 1 back pocket, ribbed cuffs, color block detail
- Polyester
- Imported
- Machine wash
- Style #:1000721612
15.Toddler Boys 4pc Mix & Match Fire Truck Joggers Set
Product Details
- 4 piece set includes 2 tops and 2 joggers
- Top: crew neck, front button placket, printed design, 1 chest pocket, long sleeve, fabric provides stretch
- Top: crew neck, graphic front, shimmer details, short sleeve, fabric provides stretch
- Joggers: elastic drawstring waist, ribbed trim, 2 front pockets, 1 back pocket, fabric provides stretch, joggers:
- elastic drawstring waist, ribbed trim, 2 front pockets, 1 back pocket, fabric provides stretch
- Cotton/polyester/spandex
- Imported
- Machine wash
- Style #:1000692827
16.Made In India Linen Sheet Set
Product Details
- Contrast trim, washed for extra softness
- Queen set includes 1 flat sheet, 1 fitted sheet, 2 standard pillowcases
- King set includes 1 flat sheet, 1 fitted sheet, 2 king pillowcases
- Linen
- Imported
- Machine wash
- Style #:1000709257
17.Set Of 2 Rope Crossweave Counter Stools With Cushions
Product Details
- Set of 2, cross woven rope design, removable cushion seats
- Overall: 21in W x 43in H x 18in D, arms: 17in L, legs: 22in H
- Imported
- Style #:1000711575
18.Made In Turkey 5×8 Medallion Pattern Area Rug
Product Details
- Rug pad recommended for use
- 5ft W x 8ft L, (sizes approximate)
- Medallion pattern
- Polyester/polypropylene/jute/cotton/latex
- Imported, made in Turkey
- Spot clean
- Style #:1000719679
19.Plush Leopard Print Throw
Product Details
- Plush and soft
- 50in W x 60in L
- Animal print
- Polyester
- Imported
- Machine wash
- Style #:1000693545
20.Seed Packet Burrow Toy
Product Details
- An interactive puzzle dog toy, three toys included
- 7.5in W x 7in H
- Imported
- Style #:1000725125
21.1qt Lima Nonstick Sauce Pan With Cover
Product Details
- Stainless steel handle, free of PFAS, PFOA, lead, and cadmium, ceramic non-stick interior, loop for hanging
- 1qt capacity
- Hard anodized aluminum
- Imported
- Style #:1000676072
Clothing Website
REI Anniversary Sale: Upto 30% Off Special Offers

The REI Anniversary Sale is an annual event hosted by REI (Recreational Equipment Inc.), a popular outdoor retail company. The sale is held to celebrate REI’s anniversary and offers customers the opportunity to snag great deals on a wide range of outdoor gear, equipment, apparel, and accessories.
During the REI Anniversary Sale, customers can find discounts of up to 30% off on select items. These discounts apply to various categories, including hiking and camping gear, cycling equipment, climbing essentials, water sports gear, footwear, clothing, and much more. Whether you’re an outdoor enthusiast, a seasoned adventurer, or someone just starting to explore the outdoors, the sale provides a fantastic opportunity to gear up and save.
The exact duration and specific deals of the REI Anniversary Sale may vary from year to year, so it’s recommended to keep an eye on REI’s website, newsletters, and social media channels for the latest updates and details. The sale typically attracts a lot of attention, so it’s wise to plan ahead, create a wishlist, and be ready to act quickly to secure the best deals before they sell out.
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It’s important to note that the availability and specific products included in the 30% off discount may vary from year to year, and certain exclusions or limitations may apply. It’s recommended to check the REI website, visit a local REI store, or consult their promotional materials to get the most accurate and up-to-date information on the discounts available during the REI Anniversary Sale for REI Co-op brand products.
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REI Co-op Zephyr 25 Recycled Sleeping Bag – Men’s
Ideal for backpacking spring through fall, the men’s REI Co-op Zephyr 25 recycled sleeping bag is our top synthetic design—light, compressible, cozy, and now with recycled materials throughout.
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By offering up to 30% off on Co-op Cycles products during the REI Anniversary Sale, REI provides an excellent opportunity for cyclists to upgrade their equipment, replace worn-out gear, or embark on new cycling adventures without breaking the bank.
It’s worth noting that the specific models and items included in the discount, as well as any exclusions or limitations, may vary from year to year. To get the most accurate and up-to-date information on the Co-op Cycles discounts available during the REI Anniversary Sale, it’s recommended to check the REI website, visit a local REI store, or refer to their promotional materials.
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Co-op Cycles Generation e1.1 Electric Bike
You try sailing uphill without smiling. The Co-op Cycles Generation e1.1 electric bike gives you oomph without the effort with 5 modes of pedal-assist power, wide tires and a stable, comfy ride.
Co-op Cycles Generation e1.2 Electric Bike
You try sailing uphill without smiling—especially with cargo in tow. The Co-op Cycles Generation e1.2 electric bike gives you pedal-assist power, front and back racks, wide tires and a stable ride.
Co-op Cycles ADV 2.2 Bike
That “Pavement Ends” sign really means “Fun Begins”—when you’re on the right bike. Loaded with gravel-specific Shimano GRX components, the Co-op Cycles ADV 2.2 is dialed for grinds of all kinds.
Camping & Hiking Gear: Up to 30% off
During the REI Anniversary Sale, you’ll have the opportunity to save up to 30% off on a wide range of camping and hiking gear. This discount applies to various essential items and equipment that enhance your outdoor experience and make your camping and hiking adventures more enjoyable.
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REI offers products from renowned outdoor brands known for their quality and durability, ensuring that you’ll find reliable gear during the sale. The discounts of up to 30% off make it an ideal time to invest in high-quality equipment without stretching your budget.
It’s important to note that the specific items and brands included in the discount, as well as any exclusions or limitations, may vary from year to year. To get the most accurate and up-to-date information on the camping and hiking gear discounts available during the REI Anniversary Sale, it’s recommended to check the REI website, visit a local REI store, or refer to their promotional materials.
Whether you’re in need of a new tent for family camping trips, a lightweight backpack for overnight hikes, or other camping and hiking essentials, the REI Anniversary Sale offers an excellent opportunity to save money while preparing for your outdoor adventures. Don’t miss out on the chance to gear up and enjoy the great outdoors with discounted camping and hiking gear!
NEMO Moonlite Reclining Camp Chair
Easy to set up and barely noticeable in your pack, the NEMO Moonlite reclining camp chair is a go-to for every adventure—from backyard barbecues and picnics in the park to camping in the mountains.
REI Co-op Trailgate Vehicle Shelter
Engineered for wagons, SUVs and canopied trucks, the REI Co-op Trailgate Vehicle Shelter gives you a tailgate extension. It’s a waterproof, sheltered space to hang out and host, rain or shine.
NEMO Helio LX Pressure Shower – 22 Liters
No need to hang it overhead like other camp showers—the 22-liter NEMO Helio LX pressure shower rests on the ground and delivers the pressure you need to wash your hair, do the dishes or rinse gear.
Clothing & Footwear: Upto 30% off
During the REI Anniversary Sale, you can enjoy discounts of up to 30% off on a wide range of clothing and footwear. This includes apparel and shoes designed specifically for outdoor activities, ensuring that you can gear up with high-quality products while saving money.
The sale encompasses various categories of clothing and footwear suitable for different outdoor pursuits. You can find discounts on hiking boots, trail running shoes, sandals, hiking pants, jackets, base layers, hats, socks, and more. Whether you’re planning a hiking trip, a camping adventure, or simply enjoy spending time outdoors, the sale provides an excellent opportunity to update your wardrobe with performance-driven clothing and footwear.
REI curates an impressive selection of brands known for their quality and functionality. From trusted outdoor clothing companies to specialized footwear manufacturers, you’ll find a diverse range of options during the sale. This ensures that you can find the perfect fit and style for your outdoor activities.
It’s important to note that the specific clothing and footwear items included in the discount, as well as any exclusions or limitations, may vary from year to year. To get the most accurate and up-to-date information on the clothing and footwear discounts available during the REI Anniversary Sale, it’s recommended to check the REI website, visit a local REI store, or refer to their promotional materials.
Take advantage of the up to 30% off discounts during the REI Anniversary Sale to upgrade your outdoor clothing and footwear collection. Whether you need a new pair of hiking boots, a breathable jacket, or performance-oriented base layers, the sale offers a great opportunity to save while equipping yourself for your outdoor adventures.
Outdoor Research Aspire II GORE-TEX Jacket – Women’s
Updated with a longer length and modern design features but still just as ready for the rain, this women’s Outdoor Research Aspire II GORE-TEX jacket is a worthy companion for wet weather.
Allbirds Tree Dasher 2 Sneakers – Women’s
Great for daily casual wear and sunny day walks, the women’s Allbirds Tree Dasher 2 sneakers feature responsive foam, extra grip and an improved fit to help you get outside everyday.
REI Co-op Trailmade Shirt – Men’s
Performance you’ll want to pass down—the REI Co-op Trailmade shirt is made with tear-resistant nylon/spandex stretch fabric with solid UPF 50 sun protection. It’s time to see what nature has in store.
Running Gear: Up to 30% off
During the REI Anniversary Sale, you can find enticing discounts of up to 30% off on running gear. This includes a variety of products specifically designed for runners, helping you enhance your performance and enjoy your runs to the fullest.
The sale encompasses a wide range of running gear, such as running shoes, socks, apparel, hydration packs, GPS watches, running accessories, and more. Whether you’re a seasoned marathon runner or just starting your running journey, the sale provides an excellent opportunity to upgrade your gear and save money in the process.
REI offers products from reputable running brands known for their quality and performance. You can find options that cater to different types of runners, whether you prefer road running, trail running, or track running. The discounts of up to 30% off make it an ideal time to invest in high-quality running gear without straining your budget.
It’s important to note that the specific running gear items included in the discount, as well as any exclusions or limitations, may vary from year to year. To get the most accurate and up-to-date information on the running gear discounts available during the REI Anniversary Sale, it’s recommended to check the REI website, visit a local REI store, or refer to their promotional materials.
Whether you’re in need of new running shoes with advanced cushioning and support, moisture-wicking apparel to keep you comfortable, or other running accessories to enhance your training, the REI Anniversary Sale offers an excellent opportunity to save money while equipping yourself for successful runs. Take advantage of the discounts and gear up for your running adventures!
Nathan Vapor Airess Lite 4 L Hydration Vest – Women’s
Designed and body-mapped for a comfortable fit, the Nathan Vapor Airess Lite 4 L hydration vest has an adjustable fit system for personalization that feels custom tailored just for you.
Smartwool Performance Run Targeted Cushion Low Ankle Socks – Women’s
Whether you run on a track, on a sidewalk or on a trail, you want to keep your feet as comfortable as possible—and the women’s Smartwool Performance Run Targeted Cushion Low Ankle socks do just that.
Salomon Adv Skin 5 W Set Hydration Vest – Women’s
Endurance races are demanding. So are endurance runners. With 5 liters of gear storage that’s ideal for shorter outings, the women-specific Salomon Adv Skin 5 set is designed for freedom and comfort.
Cycling Gear: Up to 30% off
During the REI Anniversary Sale, you can take advantage of discounts of up to 30% off on cycling gear. This includes a wide range of products specifically designed for cyclists, helping you enhance your riding experience and performance while enjoying significant savings.
The sale encompasses various categories of cycling gear, such as cycling clothing, helmets, cycling shoes, bike accessories, bike components, bike maintenance tools, and more. Whether you’re a road cyclist, mountain biker, commuter, or casual rider, the sale provides an excellent opportunity to upgrade your cycling gear and equipment at a discounted price.
REI offers products from well-known cycling brands known for their quality, innovation, and durability. You can find options suited to different riding styles, preferences, and skill levels. The discounts of up to 30% off make it an ideal time to invest in high-quality cycling gear without straining your budget.
It’s important to note that the specific cycling gear items included in the discount, as well as any exclusions or limitations, may vary from year to year. To get the most accurate and up-to-date information on the cycling gear discounts available during the REI Anniversary Sale, it’s recommended to check the REI website, visit a local REI store, or refer to their promotional materials.
Whether you’re in need of a new cycling jersey, a performance-driven helmet, clipless pedals, bike lights, or other cycling accessories, the REI Anniversary Sale offers a fantastic opportunity to save money while upgrading your cycling gear. Don’t miss out on the chance to gear up and enjoy your rides with discounted cycling gear!
PEARL iZUMi Expedition Cycling Shoes – Men’s
At home on gravel roads or cross-country trails, the men’s Pearl iZUMi Expedition cycling shoes are ready for your next mission. Your feet will enjoy the secure fit of these SPD-compatible shoes.
Bontrager Circuit WaveCel Bike Helmet
Whether your finish line is on the race course or at your front door, the Bontrager Circuit WaveCel helmet delivers the performance, comfort and tech to be your go-to for any ride.
Shotgun 2.0 Child Bike Seat + Handlebar Combo
The ultimate setup for mountain biking families, the Kids Ride Shotgun 2.0 Child Bike Seat + Handlebar Combo attaches (and removes) quickly and easily.
Extra Savings for members
REI Co-op members can enjoy extra savings and benefits during the REI Anniversary Sale. As an REI Co-op member, you gain access to exclusive offers, rewards, and promotions that further enhance your shopping experience.
During the sale, members may receive additional discounts on select items, allowing them to save even more on their purchases. These member-only deals provide an extra incentive for REI Co-op members to take advantage of the sale and upgrade their outdoor gear at a discounted price.
Furthermore, REI Co-op members can earn dividends on eligible purchases made during the sale and throughout the year. Dividends are annual refunds based on a percentage of the total purchases made by members. These dividends can be used towards future purchases, providing members with even more savings.
To enjoy the extra savings and benefits during the REI Anniversary Sale, you can become an REI Co-op member by paying a one-time membership fee. Being an REI Co-op member not only grants you access to special offers during the sale but also provides you with year-round benefits, such as member-exclusive discounts, access to REI classes and events, expert advice, and the opportunity to support outdoor initiatives through the REI Co-op community.
The REI Anniversary Sale is a highly anticipated event for outdoor enthusiasts and adventurers. It offers significant discounts of up to 30% off on a wide range of outdoor gear, equipment, apparel, and accessories. Whether you’re looking for camping and hiking gear, cycling equipment, running gear, or clothing and footwear, the sale provides an excellent opportunity to upgrade your gear and save money.
REI is known for its commitment to quality and offers products from reputable brands in the outdoor industry. The discounts during the sale allow customers to access high-quality gear at more affordable prices. Additionally, REI Co-op members can enjoy extra savings and benefits, such as member-only deals and the opportunity to earn dividends on eligible purchases.
Clothing Website
Zulily Review: Is It Legit? Plus, Tips & Tricks

Zulily Overview
Zulily is an online retailer that offers a wide range of products including clothing, accessories, home goods, toys, and more. It operates as a flash sale site, which means that it offers limited-time sales events on various items. Zulily was founded in 2010 and quickly gained popularity for its unique business model and discounted prices.
The company’s primary focus is on providing its customers with a curated selection of products from different brands and designers at deeply discounted prices. Each sale event typically lasts for a few days and features a specific brand or category of items. Zulily’s website and mobile app serve as the platforms where customers can browse and purchase products during these events.
One of the key features of Zulily is its emphasis on discovery. The company aims to provide a unique shopping experience by introducing customers to new brands and products they may not have encountered elsewhere. This approach sets Zulily apart from traditional online retailers and helps create a sense of excitement and urgency among its customer base.
To offer its customers a diverse range of products, Zulily partners with thousands of different brands and designers. These partnerships allow the company to offer a wide variety of items across multiple categories, catering to various customer preferences and interests.
Zulily operates primarily in the United States but also serves customers in other countries. While the company initially focused on women’s and children’s products, it has expanded its offerings to include men’s clothing, home decor, beauty products, and more.
In addition to its flash sale events, Zulily also provides a membership program called Zulily Plus, which offers additional benefits such as free shipping and exclusive discounts for a monthly fee.
Is Zulily Legit?
Yes, Zulily is a legitimate online retailer. The company has been in operation since 2010 and has gained a significant customer base over the years. It is a well-known and established e-commerce platform that partners with numerous brands and designers to offer a wide range of products.
Zulily operates as a legitimate business entity and has implemented security measures to protect customer information during transactions. It uses encryption technology to safeguard personal and financial data, ensuring a secure shopping experience for its users.
However, it’s important to note that Zulily operates as a flash sale site, which means that the availability of products is limited to specific sale events and for a limited time. Customers need to be aware of the sale duration and act promptly if they want to purchase a particular item.
As with any online shopping platform, it’s advisable to exercise caution and read product descriptions, reviews, and return policies before making a purchase. This helps ensure that the product meets your expectations and that you understand the terms of the sale.
Zulily Products Offering
Zulily offers a wide range of products across various categories. While the specific offerings may vary from time to time based on the available sales events, here are some of the typical product categories you can find on Zulily:
Women’s Clothing: Zulily offers a diverse range of women’s clothing options to suit various styles, sizes, and preferences. You can find dresses, tops, blouses, sweaters, cardigans, tunics, skirts, pants, jeans, leggings, and activewear. The selection often includes different patterns, colors, and fabrics to cater to different fashion tastes.
Men’s Clothing: Zulily provides a selection of men’s clothing items, including shirts, t-shirts, polos, hoodies, sweaters, jackets, coats, pants, jeans, shorts, and activewear. These items are available in various sizes, styles, and colors, catering to different preferences and occasions.
Kids and Baby: Zulily has a strong focus on kids and baby products. You can find clothing for infants, toddlers, and older children, including onesies, bodysuits, dresses, t-shirts, pants, leggings, pajamas, jackets, coats, swimwear, and costumes. Zulily also offers a variety of accessories such as shoes, socks, hats, gloves, and hair accessories for kids.
Shoes and Accessories: Zulily features a selection of footwear options for women, men, and children. This includes sandals, sneakers, boots, flats, heels, and more. In addition to shoes, you can find accessories like handbags, wallets, belts, hats, scarves, sunglasses, jewelry, and watches.
Home and Kitchen: Zulily offers a range of home and kitchen products. This includes home decor items such as bedding, curtains, rugs, wall art, and furniture. Kitchenware like cookware, cutlery, appliances, and storage solutions are also available. Zulily often features unique and stylish items to enhance your home and kitchen.
Beauty and Wellness: Zulily occasionally offers beauty and wellness products, including skincare, haircare, makeup, fragrances, bath and body products, and health essentials. These products are often from well-known brands and provide an opportunity to explore new items at discounted prices.
Toys and Games: Zulily features a variety of toys and games for children of different age groups. This includes educational toys, puzzles, building blocks, dolls, action figures, outdoor play equipment, board games, and more. The selection often encompasses popular brands and unique finds.
It’s important to note that Zulily’s product offerings are subject to change based on the available sales events and inventory. New sales events featuring different brands and categories are introduced regularly, providing customers with a wide range of options to explore.
Pricing & Sizing
Zulily offers products at discounted prices compared to traditional retail. The discounted prices are a result of their flash sale model, where items are available for a limited time during specific sales events. The discounts can vary significantly depending on the product, brand, and sale event, but customers can typically find discounts ranging from 30% to 70% off the original retail prices.
It’s important to note that Zulily operates on a “wait and ship” model, meaning that products are not immediately available for shipping after purchase. Instead, once the sale event ends, Zulily places bulk orders with the brands and designers to fulfill customer orders. This process can take a few weeks for products to be shipped, so customers should be aware of the potential delay in receiving their items.
Regarding sizing, Zulily offers products in a range of sizes to cater to different body types and preferences. The available sizes can vary depending on the specific item and brand. When browsing the products, you can typically find a size chart or sizing information provided to help you determine the appropriate size for your needs. It’s important to consult the size chart and consider any specific sizing guidelines provided by the brand to ensure the best fit.
Zulily strives to provide detailed product descriptions and sizing information to assist customers in making informed purchasing decisions. Additionally, customer reviews and ratings can offer insights into the fit and quality of products, helping customers determine the right size for their preferences.
Shipping & Return Policy
Zulily’s shipping and return policy is as follows:
- Zulily operates on a “wait and ship” model, which means that products are not immediately available for shipping after purchase. Once a sale event ends, Zulily places bulk orders with the brands and designers to fulfill customer orders.
- After the sale event concludes, it typically takes a few weeks for the products to be shipped from the brands to Zulily’s warehouse.
- Once the products are received at the warehouse, they are then packaged and shipped to customers.
- Zulily offers standard shipping options, and the estimated delivery time is usually mentioned on the product page or during the checkout process.
- It’s important to note that delivery times can vary depending on factors such as the brand’s location, product availability, and shipping carrier used.
Return Policy:
- Zulily has a limited return policy due to the nature of their flash sale model. Returns are accepted only in certain circumstances, such as if the product is defective, damaged, or if there was an error in the order.
- To initiate a return, customers need to contact Zulily’s customer service within 14 days of receiving the product.
- Zulily provides a return shipping label for eligible returns. The return shipping cost is deducted from the refund amount.
- It’s important to carefully review the product description, sizing information, and other details before making a purchase, as Zulily’s limited return policy may not cover situations where the customer simply changes their mind or is dissatisfied with the product.
- If there is an issue with the product, customers are advised to reach out to Zulily’s customer service for assistance.
It’s recommended that customers review Zulily’s shipping and return policy on their website for the most up-to-date and detailed information, as policies may evolve over time or vary for specific items or circumstances.
Sales & Offers
Zulily offers various sales and special offers to provide customers with discounted prices and additional savings. Here are some common sales and offers you can find on Zulily:
Flash Sales: Zulily’s primary sales model revolves around flash sales, where limited-time events are held featuring specific brands or product categories. These flash sales typically last for a few days, offering customers the opportunity to purchase products at discounted prices.
Daily Deals: Zulily features daily deals that showcase select products at even further reduced prices. These deals are available for a limited time and often offer significant discounts on popular items.
Clearance Sales: Zulily periodically holds clearance sales to clear out inventory and offer even deeper discounts on select items. During these sales, customers can find products at significantly reduced prices, allowing for substantial savings.
Exclusive Offers for Zulily Plus Members: Zulily offers a membership program called Zulily Plus. Members of Zulily Plus pay a monthly fee and enjoy benefits such as free shipping on eligible orders and exclusive discounts on select items. These exclusive offers can provide additional savings for members.
Email Newsletter and Notifications: By signing up for Zulily’s email newsletter or enabling notifications through the mobile app, customers can receive updates on upcoming sales events, special offers, and promotions. This allows customers to stay informed and take advantage of discounts and deals.
Referral Program: Zulily has a referral program that allows customers to earn credits or discounts by referring friends or family members to the site. When a referral makes their first purchase, the referring customer receives a reward, such as a credit to use towards future purchases.
It’s important to note that specific sales and offers may vary depending on the current promotions and availability. Customers are encouraged to regularly check the Zulily website, mobile app, or subscribe to their email newsletter for the latest information on sales and special offers.
The quality of products available on Zulily can vary as the platform partners with a wide range of brands and designers. Zulily offers products at discounted prices through their flash sale model, which means that they often feature items from various brands and designers that may have different quality standards.
Since Zulily offers products from different sources, it’s essential to read product descriptions, reviews, and ratings to get a better understanding of the quality of a specific item. Customer reviews can provide valuable insights into the fit, durability, material, and overall satisfaction with a product.
Zulily strives to provide accurate product descriptions and images to give customers a clear idea of what they are purchasing. However, it’s important to keep in mind that individual perceptions of quality may vary, and what may be considered high quality by one customer may differ for another.
Zulily’s customer service team is available to address any concerns or issues regarding the quality of products. If a customer receives a defective or damaged item, they can contact Zulily’s customer service within the specified time frame to discuss a possible return or resolution.
As with any online shopping platform, it’s a good practice to research brands, read reviews, and carefully evaluate product descriptions to make an informed decision about the quality of a product before making a purchase.
Zulily Alternatives
If you’re looking for alternatives to Zulily, there are several online shopping platforms that offer similar features and product offerings. Here are a few options to consider:
- Gilt
- Rue La La
- HauteLook
- Overstock
- Amazon Fashion
These are just a few alternatives to consider, but there are many other online shopping platforms available that offer discounted prices and a variety of products. It’s worth exploring different options to find the one that best suits your preferences and needs.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, Zulily can be a worthwhile option for shoppers who are looking for a diverse selection of products at discounted prices. It offers the opportunity to discover unique items and styles that may not be readily available through traditional retail channels. However, it’s important to consider factors such as longer shipping times, the limited return policy, and the need for careful product evaluation before making a purchase. By understanding and weighing these factors against your personal preferences and needs, you can determine whether Zulily is the right fit for your shopping experience.
Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Zulily:
How does Zulily work?
Zulily operates as a flash sale website where they offer limited-time sales events featuring discounted products across various categories. Customers can browse and purchase products during these events, and once the event ends, Zulily places bulk orders with the brands to fulfill the customer orders. Products are then shipped to the customers.
How long does it take to receive orders from Zulily?
Shipping times can vary depending on the specific product and brand. Since Zulily operates on a “wait and ship” model, it can take several weeks for products to be shipped after a sale event ends. The estimated delivery time is usually mentioned on the product page or during the checkout process.
What is Zulily’s return policy?
Zulily has a limited return policy. Returns are accepted only in certain circumstances, such as if the product is defective, damaged, or if there was an error in the order. Customers need to contact Zulily’s customer service within 14 days of receiving the product to initiate a return. It’s important to carefully review product descriptions and sizing information before making a purchase, as the return policy may not cover situations where the customer simply changes their mind or is dissatisfied with the product.
Is Zulily a legit website?
Yes, Zulily is a legitimate online shopping platform. It has been in operation since 2010 and is a well-known name in the flash sale industry. However, as with any online shopping platform, it’s important to exercise caution, read product descriptions, and be mindful of return policies before making a purchase.
Does Zulily offer international shipping?
Yes, Zulily does offer international shipping to select countries. During the checkout process, customers can check if their country is eligible for shipping. However, it’s worth noting that international shipping may incur additional fees and longer delivery times compared to domestic orders.
Clothing Website
Meshki Review: Should You Shop This Australian Brand?

Meshki is an Australian fashion brand that specializes in women’s clothing and accessories. The brand was founded in 2013 by Shadi and Myriam Meshki and has gained popularity for its trendy and glamorous designs. Meshki focuses on creating stylish and sophisticated pieces that cater to the modern woman.
Meshki offers a wide range of clothing options, including dresses, tops, bottoms, jumpsuits, and outerwear. Their designs often feature sleek silhouettes, figure-hugging styles, and bold cutouts. The brand is known for using high-quality fabrics and paying attention to detail, resulting in well-crafted and fashionable garments.
One of Meshki’s notable strengths is its ability to stay on top of the latest fashion trends. The brand frequently releases new collections that reflect the current styles and influences in the fashion industry. Meshki often incorporates popular elements like bodycon dresses, statement sleeves, asymmetrical cuts, and bold prints into its designs.
In addition to clothing, Meshki offers a selection of accessories, including jewelry, handbags, and footwear. These accessories are designed to complement the brand’s clothing range and enhance the overall look.
Meshki primarily operates through its online store, allowing customers to conveniently browse and purchase their products from anywhere. The brand has a strong social media presence and often collaborates with influencers and celebrities to promote its products.
Is Meshki Legit?
Yes, Meshki is a legitimate fashion brand. It was founded in 2013 and has since gained a strong reputation in the industry. Meshki operates as a registered company and has an official website where customers can browse and purchase their products. The brand has a significant online presence, active social media accounts, and a large customer base.
Meshki is known for its stylish designs, high-quality products, and attention to detail. The brand has garnered a following of loyal customers who appreciate their trendy and glamorous clothing options. Meshki also collaborates with influencers and celebrities, further solidifying its credibility and visibility in the fashion world.
As with any online purchase, it’s always a good idea to exercise caution and ensure you are making purchases from the official Meshki website or authorized retailers. This helps ensure that you receive genuine products and have a positive shopping experience.
Meshki Products Offering
Meshki is a fashion brand that caters to women and offers a wide range of products. They are known for their trendy and glamorous designs that appeal to the modern woman seeking stylish clothing options.
One of the main categories of products offered by Meshki is clothing. They provide a diverse selection of clothing items, including dresses, tops, bottoms, jumpsuits, and outerwear. Their dresses come in various styles, such as bodycon, maxi, midi, mini, and evening dresses. Meshki’s tops include crop tops, bodysuits, blouses, shirts, and T-shirts, featuring different designs like off-the-shoulder, halter neck, and wrap tops. For bottoms, Meshki offers skirts, pants, shorts, and leggings, with options like high-waisted, wide-leg, skinny, and flared cuts. Additionally, they have jumpsuits and playsuits available in different designs and lengths.
In terms of outerwear, Meshki provides a range of coats and jackets. This includes trench coats, blazers, leather jackets, and faux fur jackets, offering both style and functionality for various weather conditions.
Meshki also offers accessories to complement their clothing range. Their accessory collection includes jewelry, handbags, and belts. The jewelry category consists of necklaces, earrings, bracelets, rings, and body chains. They offer a selection of handbags and clutches in different sizes and styles to accommodate different occasions. Meshki’s belts can be used to accessorize outfits and create a more defined waistline.
Furthermore, Meshki provides footwear options to complete the overall look. They offer a variety of shoes, such as heels, sandals, boots, and sneakers, designed to complement their clothing line and meet various style preferences.
It’s important to note that Meshki frequently releases new collections and limited-edition items to stay in line with the latest fashion trends. Their aim is to provide fashionable and stylish products that cater to the needs of fashion-conscious women.
Meshki Dresses
Meshki offers a diverse range of dresses, catering to various styles and occasions. Their dresses are known for their trendy designs, figure-hugging silhouettes, and attention to detail. Here are some examples of the types of dresses you can find from Meshki:
Bodycon Dresses: Meshki is renowned for its bodycon dresses that are designed to accentuate and flatter the figure. These dresses are typically form-fitting and showcase the curves of the body. They come in various lengths, including mini, midi, and maxi, and feature different necklines, sleeve styles, and cutouts.
Evening Dresses: Meshki offers a selection of elegant evening dresses that are perfect for formal occasions or special events. These dresses often feature luxurious fabrics, intricate detailing, and eye-catching embellishments. They come in a range of styles, such as mermaid, A-line, sheath, or draped designs, with options like high slits, backless cuts, and plunging necklines.
Wrap Dresses: Meshki provides wrap dresses that are known for their flattering and adjustable fit. These dresses typically feature a wrap-style front that can be tied at the waist, allowing you to customize the fit and create a cinched waistline. They come in various lengths, prints, and sleeve styles, suitable for both casual and dressier occasions.
Cutout Dresses: Meshki incorporates cutouts into some of their dress designs to add a touch of edginess and visual interest. These dresses feature strategically placed cutout details, such as side cutouts, open backs, or keyhole cutouts, that create unique and stylish looks.
Midi and Maxi Dresses: Meshki offers midi and maxi dresses that provide a more modest and elegant option. These dresses come in various styles, including bodycon, flowy, or wrap designs, and can be worn for both casual and formal occasions. They often feature different necklines, sleeve lengths, and prints.
It’s important to note that Meshki frequently updates their dress collection to reflect the latest fashion trends, so you can expect to find a variety of stylish and on-trend options when browsing their dresses.
Meshki Bikinis
Meshki offers a selection of bikinis as part of their swimwear collection. Their bikinis are designed to be fashionable, stylish, and suitable for various beach or poolside occasions. Here’s what you can expect from Meshki’s bikini offerings:
Bikini Styles: Meshki provides a range of bikini styles to cater to different preferences and body types. Some of the common bikini styles you may find from Meshki include triangle bikinis, bandeau bikinis, halter-neck bikinis, high-waisted bikinis, and Brazilian-cut bikinis. These styles offer different levels of coverage and support, allowing you to choose the one that best suits your personal style and comfort.
Colors and Prints: Meshki offers a variety of colors and prints for their bikini collection. You can find classic solid colors such as black, white, or nude, as well as vibrant and bold colors like red, pink, or blue. Additionally, they may incorporate trendy patterns and prints, such as floral prints, animal prints, stripes, or geometric designs. This variety allows you to select a bikini that reflects your personal style and preference.
Details and Embellishments: Meshki pays attention to detail and often includes stylish embellishments and details in their bikini designs. These can include features like ruffles, cutouts, lace-up details, hardware accents, or decorative straps. These details add a fashionable and unique touch to the bikinis, making them stand out.
Mix and Match Options: Meshki may offer bikinis as separates, allowing you to mix and match different tops and bottoms to create a customized look. This flexibility allows you to choose different sizes or styles for the top and bottom, ensuring a comfortable and flattering fit.
Sizing and Support: Meshki typically provides a range of sizes to accommodate different body shapes and sizes. Their bikinis are designed to offer support and a secure fit, with adjustable straps, removable padding, and hook closures, where applicable.
It’s important to note that the specific bikini styles, colors, and prints available from Meshki may vary depending on their current swimwear collection. Checking their official website or contacting their customer support will provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information on the available options.
Meshki Basics
Meshki offers a range of basics that serve as essential wardrobe staples. These basics are versatile, timeless, and can be easily mixed and matched with other pieces in your wardrobe. Here are some examples of Meshki’s basic offerings:
Basic Tops: Meshki provides a variety of basic tops that are essential for any wardrobe. These can include simple t-shirts, camisoles, tank tops, or bodysuits. These tops are typically made from comfortable and high-quality fabrics like cotton or ribbed materials. They come in various colors such as black, white, nude, or neutral tones, allowing for easy pairing with different outfits.
Basic Bottoms: Meshki offers basic bottoms that are both versatile and essential. These can include basic leggings, shorts, skirts, or pants. The designs are typically minimalist, without excessive embellishments or patterns, allowing them to be styled in multiple ways. Basic bottoms are usually available in neutral or classic colors, making them easy to incorporate into various outfits.
Basic Dresses: Meshki may offer basic dresses that serve as wardrobe staples. These dresses are usually simple in design, with clean lines and minimal details. They can be in classic silhouettes like sheath, shift, or slip dresses, or they may have a more relaxed and casual style. Basic dresses are often available in neutral colors or classic patterns, enabling you to dress them up or down as needed.
Basic Outerwear: Meshki’s collection may include basic outerwear pieces that are versatile and practical. This can include items like basic blazers, cardigans, or jackets. These outerwear options are typically designed to complement various outfits and provide an extra layer of style and functionality.
Basic Accessories: Meshki may also offer basic accessories that add the finishing touch to your outfit. This can include simple belts, scarves, or minimalistic jewelry pieces like hoop earrings or delicate necklaces. These accessories can elevate your look and provide subtle enhancements to your overall style.
Meshki’s basics are designed to be timeless and easily integrated into your existing wardrobe. They provide a foundation for creating various outfit combinations and serve as reliable go-to pieces.
Meshki Pricing & Sizing
Meshki’s pricing and sizing can vary depending on the specific product and collection. However, I can provide you with some general information regarding their pricing and sizing practices:
Pricing: Meshki offers a range of pricing options to cater to different budgets. Their prices can vary based on factors such as the type of product, fabric quality, design complexity, and any additional details or embellishments. Generally, Meshki’s pricing falls within the mid-range to slightly higher-end of the fashion market, reflecting the brand’s focus on quality materials and fashionable designs.
Sizing: Meshki typically offers a range of sizes to accommodate different body types. Their sizing may include options like XS, S, M, L, XL, or numerical sizes. Meshki often provides size charts on their website to help customers determine their correct size based on measurements for bust, waist, and hips. It’s recommended to refer to these size charts and guidelines to ensure the best fit, as sizing can vary between different brands and collections.
Size Inclusivity: While Meshki aims to offer a diverse range of sizes, it’s worth noting that their size range may vary depending on the specific product. Some items may have a wider size range, while others may have more limited options. Checking the product descriptions or reaching out to Meshki’s customer support can provide more specific information on sizing availability for a particular item.
Size Customization: Meshki does not typically offer customization or made-to-measure options for their products. Their sizing is generally based on standard industry measurements. It’s advisable to refer to the provided size charts and select the size that aligns most closely with your measurements for the best fit.
It’s important to keep in mind that pricing and sizing details may be subject to change, and it’s recommended to visit Meshki’s official website or contact their customer support directly for the most accurate and up-to-date information on pricing and sizing options for specific products or collections.
Sales & Offers
Meshki occasionally offers sales and promotions to provide discounts and special offers to customers. Here’s an overview of some of the sales and offers that Meshki may provide:
Seasonal Sales: Meshki often participates in seasonal sales events, such as Black Friday, Cyber Monday, or end-of-season sales. During these periods, you can expect to find discounts on selected items or site-wide promotions.
Clearance Sales: Meshki may have clearance sales to clear out older inventory and make room for new collections. These sales often offer significant discounts on past-season items, giving customers the opportunity to purchase fashion pieces at reduced prices.
Limited-Time Promotions: Meshki occasionally runs limited-time promotions, such as flash sales or weekend offers. These promotions typically offer discounts on specific products or categories for a short period of time, encouraging customers to make a purchase during the promotional window.
Discount Codes: Meshki may release discount codes that can be applied during the checkout process to receive a percentage or fixed amount off the total purchase. These codes are often shared through their website, social media platforms, or email newsletters.
Bundle Deals or Offers: Meshki may offer bundle deals or special offers where customers can purchase multiple items together at a discounted price. This can include items from the same category or different categories, allowing customers to save money when purchasing multiple products.
It’s important to note that the availability and specific details of sales and offers may vary depending on the time of year, current promotions, and the specific policies of Meshki. Checking their official website, subscribing to their newsletter, or following their social media accounts can help you stay informed about any ongoing sales, discounts, or special offers.
Shipping & Return Policy
Meshki has specific policies in place regarding shipping and returns. While these policies can be subject to change, here is a general overview of Meshki’s shipping and return policies:
International Shipping: Meshki offers international shipping to many countries worldwide. The availability of shipping destinations may vary, so it’s recommended to check their website or contact their customer support for specific information regarding your location.
Shipping Methods and Costs: Meshki typically provides various shipping options, including standard shipping and express shipping. The shipping costs and delivery times can vary depending on the destination, the selected shipping method, and the total weight of the package. During the checkout process, you will be able to see the available shipping options and associated costs.
Order Processing Time: Meshki generally aims to process and ship orders within 1-2 business days. However, during peak periods or promotional events, order processing times may be longer. It’s advisable to check their website or contact their customer support for the most up-to-date information regarding order processing times.
Returns and Exchanges:
Return Eligibility: Meshki accepts returns on eligible items within a specified timeframe. The items must be unworn, undamaged, and in their original condition with all tags attached. Some items, such as swimwear, lingerie, earrings, and sale items, may have specific return restrictions due to hygiene or promotional reasons.
Return Timeframe: Meshki typically allows returns to be initiated within a certain period from the date of delivery. The specific timeframe can vary, but it’s often around 14-30 days. It’s recommended to review their return policy or contact their customer support to confirm the return timeframe for your specific purchase.
Return Process: To initiate a return, you will need to follow Meshki’s designated return process, which usually involves filling out a return form or contacting their customer support. Meshki may provide a prepaid return label for domestic returns, while international returns may require the customer to arrange and cover the return shipping costs.
Refunds and Exchanges: Upon receiving the returned item, Meshki typically processes refunds within a certain timeframe. The refund is usually issued to the original payment method used for the purchase. Exchanges for a different size or color may be possible, depending on availability.
It’s important to note that the specific details of Meshki’s shipping and return policies can be subject to change. It’s recommended to visit their official website or contact their customer support directly for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding their shipping and return policies, including any country-specific restrictions or requirements.
Meshki Alternatives
If you’re looking for alternatives to Meshki, there are several other fashion brands that offer similar styles and products. Here are a few popular alternatives to consider:
PrettyLittleThing: PrettyLittleThing offers a wide range of trendy and affordable fashion items, including dresses, tops, bottoms, and accessories. They are known for their fast-fashion approach and keeping up with the latest trends.
Missguided: Missguided offers a variety of fashion-forward clothing for women, including dresses, tops, outerwear, and swimwear. They focus on affordable prices and cater to a younger demographic with their trendy and edgy styles.
Boohoo: Boohoo is a popular online retailer known for its extensive selection of affordable and fashionable clothing. They offer a wide range of styles, including dresses, tops, jumpsuits, and activewear.
Fashion Nova: Fashion Nova is a well-known brand that offers trendy and affordable clothing options, particularly in the realm of curve and plus-size fashion. They have a wide range of styles, including dresses, jeans, swimwear, and activewear.
ASOS: ASOS is a global online fashion retailer that offers a diverse range of clothing, accessories, and beauty products. They provide a wide selection of brands and styles, catering to various tastes and body types.
Nasty Gal: Nasty Gal offers a range of fashion-forward clothing and accessories, known for their bold and edgy styles. They have a wide selection of dresses, tops, bottoms, and statement pieces.
It’s worth noting that each brand has its own unique style, price range, and sizing options. It’s advisable to review their websites, explore their product offerings, and read customer reviews to find the alternative that aligns best with your preferences and requirements.
Final Impression
Meshki is a fashion brand known for its trendy and fashionable clothing, swimwear, and accessories. They offer a wide range of products, including dresses, leather pants, bikinis, basics, and more. Meshki focuses on providing stylish designs with attention to detail, and their items are often made from high-quality materials.
While the brand has gained popularity for its trendy and figure-flattering designs, it’s important to note that individual experiences may vary. Some customers have reported positive experiences with Meshki, praising the quality and fit of their products, while others have expressed concerns about sizing inconsistencies or customer service.
Before making a purchase, it’s advisable to review product descriptions, sizing information, and customer reviews to ensure you choose the right size and have an understanding of overall customer satisfaction. Additionally, staying informed about their current pricing, promotions, and policies is important to make an informed decision.
Overall, Meshki offers a diverse range of fashion-forward clothing options and has become a popular choice for those seeking trendy and stylish pieces. As with any brand, it’s recommended to consider personal preferences, sizing considerations, and individual experiences before making a purchase.
How can I contact Meshki’s customer support?
You can contact Meshki’s customer support by visiting their official website and navigating to the “Contact Us” or “Customer Service” section. They may provide options such as email, live chat, or a contact form for you to reach out to them with your inquiries or concerns.
Does Meshki offer international shipping?
Yes, Meshki offers international shipping to many countries worldwide. However, the availability of shipping destinations may vary, so it’s recommended to check their website or contact their customer support for specific information regarding your location.
What is Meshki’s return policy?
Meshki generally accepts returns on eligible items within a specified timeframe. The items must be unworn, undamaged, and in their original condition with all tags attached. Some items may have specific return restrictions, such as swimwear, lingerie, earrings, or sale items. It’s advisable to review their return policy on their website or contact their customer support for detailed information regarding the return process, timeframe, and any specific restrictions.
Does Meshki offer size customization or made-to-measure options?
Meshki does not typically offer size customization or made-to-measure options for their products. Their sizing is usually based on standard industry measurements. It’s recommended to refer to their size charts and guidelines to select the size that aligns most closely with your measurements for the best fit.
Does Meshki have physical retail stores?
Meshki primarily operates as an online retailer, but they may occasionally have pop-up stores or showrooms in certain locations. However, the availability of physical retail stores may vary, and it’s recommended to check their website or contact their customer support for information regarding any current or upcoming physical store locations.
Does Meshki offer gift cards?
Yes, Meshki offers gift cards that can be purchased and used towards purchases on their website. Gift cards can be a convenient option for gifting to someone who loves Meshki’s products. You can find information on purchasing and redeeming gift cards on their website.
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